LEGO Fanonpedia

This is my personal fan-made version of a new LEGO game. Please don't edit it without permission, thank you.


LEGO Star Wars IV: The Clone Wars II is a Star Wars video game developed by Traveller's Tales. It is the fith released in the theme of LEGO Star Wars. The platforms this game runs on include the Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and 2DS, Playstation 4, PSVita, Xbox One and Windows PC. The game continues on from LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.



The game includes characters from the The Clone Wars era, as well as some classic characters from the rest of the saga. Abilities for the characters include squad command, lightsaber slicing, lightsaber jumps, long distance Jedi attacks and grapple tie-ups, picking up droids, and stepping on certain pads in which Jedi perform "combo moves" to destroy certain objects.

Open World

Like the other TT LEGO games recently produced, the game features an "open world", where players can choose to purchase upgrades, select levels to play and do quests for citizens. In it, you can travel to all the different planets featured in the game such as Tatooine, Coruscant and Dathomir.


Vehicle levels are back and the player can still land their ship and begin fighting on foot. All the original elements seen in the previous Star Wars games returned as well as some from the other newer games.


There are 20 story mission levels covering most of seasons 3 and 4 The Clone Wars TV series and one from the second. It starts with a Prologue before branching off into 3 different categories (Count Dooku, General Grievous and Asajj Ventress) and ending in a climatic Epilogue.



The Mandalore Plot[]

Opening Cutscene: Obi-Wan Kenobi travels to Mandalore to talk to Duchess Satine Kryze. When he enters her throne room, he presents a hologram of them both kissing, the Duchess smiles flirtatiously and Obi-Wan, realizing his mistake, blushes. He then changes the hologram to that of a Death Watch Warrior. Satine is shocked and shows a hologram of Concordia. The scene changes to that of Concordia and Obi-Wan and Satine meet Governor Pre Vizsla, who signals for them to follow him, but Obi-Wan sneaks away giving Satine a phone to call him on, he then gets on a speeder bike and rides off.

Gameplay Area 1: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: Play as Obi-Wan Kenobi on a speederbike avoiding Death Watch Warriors.

Scene 2: Play as Satine Kryze and Pre Vizsla to set out a dinner table.

Midtro Cutscene 1: A Death Watch Warrior fires a rocket which hits Obi-Wan's speeder and knocking him out. He wakes up suspended in a mining machine, so he rings up Satine and asks for help. When Pre Vizsla turns his back Satine dashes off, causing Pre Vizsla to be very puzzled when he turns back round and sees no one there. Satine arrives at the mining facility and turns off the machine, freeing Obi-Wan and then they share a smile.

Gameplay Area 2: Play as Obi-Wan and Satine to escape the Mining facility, battling your way through Death Watch Warriors as you go.

Midtro Cutscene 2: Obi-Wan and Satine enter an elevator and listen as some romantic music plays. The doors then open revealing two Death Watch Warriors, which Obi-Wan takes out, he and Satine run forward and see an entire army of Death Watch Warriors out of the shadows steps their leader, he throws Obi-Wan his lightsaber and takes off his helmet revealing himself as Pre Vizsla, much to the shock of Satine. He ignites his darksaber and the battle begins.

Gameplay Area 3: Pre Vizsla (Boss 5 hearts). Play as Obi-Wan and Satine to fight Pre Vizsla and his Death Watch Warriors.

Ending Cutscene: Pre Vizsla orders his warriors to all fire rockets at Obi-Wan, so he grabs Satine by the hand and they jump down the elevator shaft together.

Characters Unlocked: Obi-Wan Kenobi (V1), Satine Kryze, Pre Vizsla (Governor).

Characters available to purchase: Almec, Death Watch Warrior, Pre Vizsla (V1).

Vehicles available to purchase: Mandalorian Shuttle, Death Watch Fighter.

MID-LEVEL CUTSCENE: Count Dooku steps up in front of his followers. He points to Asajj Ventress and General Grievous and shows them a hologram of Tipoca City. He points to Osi Sobeck and a hologram of the Citadel and finally he turns to Darts D'Nar and they look at a hologram of Togrutas.

General Grievous[]

ARC Troopers[]

Opening Cutscene: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Commander Cody and Captain Rex along with the rest of their armies arrive on Kamino and meet Shaak Ti and Lama Su and show a hologram of Grievous planning to attack Kamino. Meanwhile Echo and Fives are walking down a hallway and they meet 99, who gives them a big hug and they laugh. Back in Space, the Separatist fleet arrive and engage the Republic's. Anakin gets in his fighter and flies to battle.

Gameplay Area 1: Spaceship Battle. Play as Anakin Skywalker in his Jedi Starfighter and Broadside in his ARC-170 Starfighter to destroy 3 Munificent-class Star Frigates.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Debris falls from the starships into Kamino's sea, where some Aqua Droids pull out some sticky tape and make it into the shape of a dog, the other Aqua droids facepalm and turn it into a Trident drill, they then jump out of the water and begin to attack the city. From one of them Asajj Ventress emerges and from another Grievous. Meanwhile in sniping positions Echo and Fives are shooting at the droid forces.

Gameplay Area 2: Play as Echo and Fives to destroy 10 Aqua Droids.

Midtro Cutscene 2: 99 appears behind them, making them both jump and he tells them to come with him. Back in the DNA room Ventress gets ahold of the DNA and is about to get away, when Anakin appears behind her... Back in the corridor, Obi-Wan performs the shoulder gag on Grievous, much to his annoyance and they both ignite their lightsabers.

Gameplay Area 3: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: General Grievous (Boss 10 hearts). Play as Obi-Wan Kenobi to fight General Grievous. After 5 hearts have gone Grievous takes off down the corridor and on to a landing pad. When all his hearts are diminished, cutscene 3 plays.

Midtro Cutscene 3: Grievous overpowers Obi-Wan and gets into a ship and flies away.

Scene 2: Asajj Ventress (Boss 12 hearts). Play as Anakin Skywalker and a Clone Trooper to fight Asajj Ventress in the DNA room, down the corridor and outside.

Midtro Cutscene 4: Anakin uses the force to steal the DNA back and is about to kill Ventress, but she jumps away onto Grievous' ship and waves a cheery goodbye. Back inside the barracks, Echo, Fives and 99 are hiding when they hear a knock on the door, Fives plucks up courage and opens and Rex and Cody come in and the others let out a sigh of relief. Then there is another knock on the door, Fives answers again, but this time Battle Droids come in, the group take up arms and are ready to fight.

Gameplay Area 4: Play as Rex, Cody, Echo and Fives to fight oncoming waves of Battle Droids.

Ending Cutscene: Rex goes to throw a grenade, but misses. 99 goes to get more, but he is sadly shot and killed. Echo destroys the rest of the droids and they run to 99's body, where they burst into tears. Rex though, taps Echo and Fives on the shoulder and shows them, ARC trooper armour and their faces turn from sadness to joy.

Characters Unlocked: Anakin Skywalker (V1), Broadside, Echo (Trooper), Fives (Trooper), Clone Trooper (Phase 1), Captain Rex (Phase 1), Commander Cody (Phase 1).

Vehicles Unlocked: Anakin's Jedi Starfighter, ARC-170 Starfighter.

Characters available to purchase: Shaak Ti, Lama Su, 99, Aqua Droid, Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid, Commander Colt, Asajj Ventress (V1).

Vehicles available to purchase: Vulture Droid, Trident, Kamino Flight Pod.

MID-LEVEL CUTSCENE: Count Dooku frowns at Grievous and Ventress, he then sends Ventress off and turns to Grievous, who he shows a hologram of the Gungans.

Shadow Warrior[]

Opening Cutscene: Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala travel to Otoh Gunga and meet Jar Jar Binks, who points to Boss Lyonie, who's got stars hovering round his head. Anakin looks very suspicious and uses the force to pull a necklace off of Lyonie's neck. The stars disappear and Lyonie points to Rish Loo, who Anakin and Padme run after.

Gameplay Area 1: Rish Loo (Boss 3 hearts). Play as Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala to break into Rish Loo's house and fight through his Commando Droids, before fighting him.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Rish Loo makes a run for it and stabs Lyonie on the way, with a banana. He gets into a Bongo and escapes. Jar Jar is looking after Lyonie, but slips and knocks Lyonie's crown onto his head. Padme looks at Jar Jar and smiles. Back on the surface, Rish Loo is telling the Gungan Warriors to march on Naboo, but Jar Jar (dressed as Boss Lyonie), points to Rish Loo and pulls an evil face, Loo gets on a speeder and drives off, but is quickly followed by Anakin on a Kaadu mount. Just then a Separatist Landing Craft arrives and Jar Jar and General Tarpals gulp.

Gameplay Area 2: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: Play as Jar Jar Binks and General Tarpals to enter the Separatist Lander, switch off the Battle Droids and meet with General Grievous.

Scene 2: Play as Anakin Skywalker on a Kaadu to chase down Rish Loo, after knocking him off, Loo orders Probe Droids to help him and you must fight them.

Midtro Cutscene 2: When Jar Jar meets Grievous, he is so scared he sneezes and it goes all over him, enraging him and he goes after Jar Jar and Tarpals, only to find his whole army shut down. Meanwhile Anakin follows Rish Loo into a laboratory and there he sees Count Dooku. Dooku stabs Loo and goes to attack Anakin.

Gameplay Area 3: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: Count Dooku (Boss 20 hearts). Play as Anakin Skywalker to fight Count Dooku. Every 5 hearts he sends out Magnaguards.

Scene 2: General Grievous (Boss 10 hearts). Play as General Tarpals and Jar Jar Binks to fight General Grievous.

Ending Cutscene: General Grievous stabs General Tarpals and begins laughing, but Tarpals fights back, incapacitating Grievous. Suddenly a ship lands and out comes Dooku with Anakin, also incapacitated, he indicates swapping Anakin for Grievous and Jar Jar reluctantly agrees. Padme and Queen Neeyutnee appears and comfort Jar Jar as the Separatists leave Naboo.

Characters Unlocked: Anakin Skywalker (V2), Padme Amidala, Jar Jar Binks (Boss Lyonie), General Tarpals.

Characters available to purchase: Jar Jar Binks, Boss Lyonie, Rish Loo, Commando Droid, Gungan Warrior, Magnaguard, Queen Neeyutnee.

MID-LEVEL CUTSCENE: A group of Umbarans are standing round a present, with a tag on it, saying 'LOVE FROM GRIEVOUS XXX'. The Umbarans unwrap it and pull out some guns, before smiling evilly.

Darkness on Umbara[]

Opening Cutscene: Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives and many other Clone Troopers are coming into land, on the planet of Umbara. Once they land all the troops run out, ready for battle against the Umbarans.

Gameplay Area 1: Big Battle. Play as Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex and ARC Trooper Fives to destroy all the Umbaran bases and build an airstrike signal.

Ending Cutscene: All the Clones start cheering as the Umbarans retreat, as the approaching Y-wing bombers attack. Suddenly a big shadow appears behind Anakin and Rex, they turn around and see General Pong Krell, who has a hologram of the Jedi Temple, he points to it and then he points to Anakin. Anakin sadly withdraws. Rex smiles up at Krell, but Krell ignores.

Unlockable Characters: Captain Rex (Phase 2), Fives (ARC Trooper).

Characters available to purchase: Umbaran Soldier, ARF Trooper (Phase 2).

Vehicles available to purchase: Y-wing Bombers.

The General[]

Opening Cutscene: General Pong Krell shows all the Troopers a hologram of the Airbase, that they need to attack and shows the battle plan, Rex nods, but Fives does not, so Rex secretly shows Fives and Hardcase a different plan for taking the Airbase. Fives and Hardcase run off, just as Krell comes back and sends the others forward.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Captain Rex and Kix to attack Umbaran forces.

Midtro Cutscene 1: The Clones repel the Umbaran forces, but suddenly, out of the ground, comes an Umbaran Assault Tank. Some Clones faint, but Jesse steps forward with a Rocket Launcher.

Gameplay Area 2: Umbaran Assault Tank (Boss 5 hearts). Play as Jesse and Rex to fight the Umbaran Assault Tank.

Midtro Cutscene 2: The Clones cheer, but suddenly Umbaran MHC's appear and Rex orders a retreat. Meanwhile Fives and Hardcase are about to infiltrate the airbase.

Gameplay Area 3: Play as Fives and Hardcase to attack the Airbase and commandeer two Umbaran Starfighters.

Midtro Cutscene 3: Hardcase and Fives get into the starfighters and fly away, towards the battlefield, where they see the MHC's.

Gameplay Area 4: 2 Umbaran MHC's (Boss 8 hearts each). Spaceship Battle. Play as Fives and Hardcase in Umbaran Starfighters to destroy, both the Umbaran MHC's.

Ending Cutscene: The MHC's explode and all the Clones cheer for Fives and Hardcase, except for Krell, who is looking down on them all.

Unlockable Characters: Kix, Jesse, Hardcase.

Unlockable Vehicles: Umbaran Starfighters.

Characters available to purchase: Sergeant Appo.

Plan of Dissent[]

Opening Cutscene: In the Captured Airbase, General Krell and Captain Rex are looking at a hologram of a Separatist Supply Ship. Rex signals to attack, but Krell shakes his head. When everyone else is sleeping (with teddy bears), Fives, Jesse and Hardcase meet up and plan an attack. They get into Umbaran Starfighters and blast off into space.

Gameplay Area 1: Spaceship Battle. Play as Fives and Hardcase in Umbaran Starfighters, fighting in the battle above Umbara, before destroying the Supply Ship's shield. When the shield is down, they enter the Ship.

Midtro Cutscene 1: A Tactical Droid activates a ray shield and Hardcase has to get out of his ship.

Gameplay Area 2: Play as Hardcase on foot, to destroy the main reactor and Fives in an Umbaran Starfighter to fight attacking droid forces.

Midtro Cutscene 2: Hardcase signals to Fives and Jesse to get out of the ship, they agree and lift off, as Hardcase smiles and blows up the main reactor, killing himself.

Gameplay Area 3: Chasing Segment. Play as Fives and Jesse to escape being caught by the wave of fire behind them, all the way out of the Supply Ship.

Ending Cutscene: Fives and Jesse cheer as the Supply Ship blows up behind them. But when they land back at the airbase, they aren't too happy to see Pong Krell and Dogma waiting for them...

Characters available to purchase: Tactical Droid.

Vehicles available to purchase: Droid Tri-fighter.

Carnage of Krell[]

Opening Cutscene: General Krell is speaking to a hologram of Dogma, he puts his hand across his throat, to signal execution. Dogma nods and turns to other Clones who take aim at Fives and Jesse. Rex stands in the middle, though and points at Dogma, to signal what the Clones are becoming. With this, they all put their guns down. Suddenly a message from Krell, shows an Umbaran dressing up as a Clone Trooper, so Rex and the others go out to confront them.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Rex and Tup to try and find the disguised Umbarans, eventually they come across a group of 212th Clones who start firing at them and you have to fight them.

Midtro Cutscene 1: One of the Troopers slips on a banana skin and Rex suddenly sees underneath his helmet, he was actually a Clone. Rex, horrified, takes off his helmet and runs in the middle of everyone, he grabs a 212th Clone and takes off his helmet, the Clones stop firing and all go up to each other, sobbing and hugging. Rex goes up to Waxer, who is on the floor, injured and he points to the Airbase, all the Clones turn round and march off to the Airbase, except for Dogma who sneaks off. At the Airbase, Rex and a group of other Clones, confront Krell. Krell chuckles, ignites his two double bladed lightsabers and starts killing the Clones, before smiling evilly at Rex.

Gameplay Area 2: Pong Krell (Boss 5 hearts). Play as Rex and Fives to fight General Pong Krell.

Midtro Cutscene 2: Krell smashes the window of the Airbase and jumps right out, his grin turns a little, though, as he sees hundreds of 501st and 212th Clone Troopers waiting for him. They all open fire, but Krell cuts through them all and escapes into the jungle. When Rex and the rest manage to come out, he has disappeared, but Dogma suddenly draws a gun on them.

Gameplay Area 3: Dogma (Boss 5 hearts). Play as Rex and Fives to fight Dogma.

Midtro Cutcene 3: Rex looks Dogma in the eye and Dogma, realizing what he's done, puts his gun down, whilst two Clones arrest him. Rex and the rest of the Clones move forward into the jungle, when suddenly Krell jumps into them all, igniting his lightsabers.

Gameplay Area 4: Pong Krell (Boss 15 hearts). Play as Rex, Fives, Kix and Tup to fight Pong Krell. After 13 hearts have gone, you must shoot a Vixus, so it picks up Krell and then you can continue with him.

Ending Cutscene: The Vixus drops Krell and Tup stuns him, knocking him out. Later, at the Airbase, Rex has a gun to Krells head, but Krell starts laughing, intimidating him. Suddenly, though, Krell gets shot and killed, the Clones all turn and see Dogma, holding a gun. He turns to Rex and whimpers, but Rex smiles back.

Characters Unlocked: Tup.

Characters available to purchase: Pong Krell, Dogma, Waxer.

END SECTION CUTSCENE: Grievous blows his nose as he sees a Republic flag go up on Umbara. A Battle Droid sniggers, so Grievous pulls his head off, before bursting into tears.

Count Dooku[]

The Citadel[]

Opening Cutscene: The Jedi receive a message from Warden Osi Sobeck, of Even Piell being tortured. Mace Windu shows a hologram of the Citadel and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Commander Cody, Captain Rex and ARC Troopers, Echo and Fives all nod, whilst Ahsoka Tano watches them. Later a Confederate Shuttle lands on the planet of Lola Sayu, the strike force step out and look at a wall covered in mines.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to climb the wall whilst avoiding the electro-mines.

Midtro Cutscene 1: The strike force climb to the top, but one 501st trooper slips, falls and sets off a mine, alerting all the Droids to their presence, the strike team run inside ready for battle.

Gameplay Area 2: Play as Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Echo and Fives to fight through the Battle Droids and cameras.

Midtro Cutscene 2: Osi Sobeck is watching the strike team with his cameras. On one of the screens, Rex appears and waves, before he punches the camera, turning the screen to static. Osi Sobeck in a rage hits the screens himself. Behind him a Security Battle Droid taps him on the shoulder, Sobeck turns around and sees a squad of his personal Droid Commandos and smiles evilly.

Gameplay Area 3: Play as Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Echo and Fives to work through the corridors, after a turn, a group of Droid Commandos do acrobatics from around a corner and open fire. In the end, they reach the cell block and open the door.

Ending Cutscene: In the cell, they find Even Piell, Captain Wilhuff Tarkin and a Naval Officer. The group smile and join the strike team ready to fight their way out.

Characters Unlocked: Ahsoka Tano, Echo (ARC Trooper).

Characters available to purchase: Yoda, Mace Windu, C-3PO, 501st Clone Trooper (Phase 1), Droideka, Security Battle Droid, Commando Droid (Citadel).


Opening Cutscene: The strike team message R2-D2 in the shuttle and tell him to meet at the landing platform. R2 agrees nods and the shuttle takes off. Whilst the strike team splits into two groups, led by Anakin and Obi-Wan. Anakin cuts a hole in the wall and goes through it into the caverns, whilst Obi-Wan's group run off down the corridor.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Tarkin, Captain Rex, Echo and Fives to work through the pipeline to the edge of the complex.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Anakin's team escape the pipeline and start their journey to the rendezvous point. Meanwhile Obi-Wan's forces are battling their way through the Citadel.

Gameplay Area 2: Play as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Even Piell, Commander Cody and a Naval Officer to fight through the corridors of the Citadel.

Midtro Cutscene 2: Obi-Wan's team enters a room, where turrets suddenly aim at them, followed by three Droidekas and a squad of Security Battle Droids who take them away. Meanwhile the shuttle lands at the platform and out steps OOM-10, his two droids and R2-D2, where a Tactical Droid greets them, OOM-10 is really scared, but he pretends to take R2 as a prisoner, so the Tactical Droid lets him pass.

Gameplay Area 3: Play as OOM-10, R2-D2 and a R2's squad Battle Droid to locate Obi-Wan's team.

Midtro Cutscene 3: OOM-10 and R2 locate Obi-Wan's group and take them back to the shuttle, but the Tactical Droid pulls out a gun and opens fire on them all along with other Battle Droids, suddenly Anakin's group appear, but so do STAPs, Anakin jumps onto one and so does Even Piell.

Gameplay Area 4: Play as Anakin Skywalker and Even Piell on STAPs to destroy 10 Battle Droids, 5 Commando Droids and 2 Cannons.

Midtro Cutscene 4: A Commando Droid runs and jumps onto the cannon and takes control, Echo and Fives see it and go to take it on.

Gameplay Area 5: Play as Echo and Fives to fight through droids to get a clear shot on the cannon, whilst fighting droids at the same time.

Ending Cutscene: Echo runs to the shuttle and is about to shoot the Commando Droid, but the Droid shoots the shuttle first blowing it up and killing Echo. The team realising they need help, run, to get away from the oncoming droids, as Fives stares at Echo's helmet, left on the floor.

Characters Unlocked: Captain Tarkin, Even Piell, Naval Officer, OOM-10, R2-D2, Battle Droid (R2's squadron).

Vehicles available to purchase: Confederate Shuttle.

Citadel Rescue[]

Opening Cutscene: In the Jedi War room, Yoda, Mace Windu and Plo Koon receive a message from Even Piell and the rest of the strike team, asking for help after their way off the planet was destroyed. Plo Koon nods and sends them a picture of the island, which the strike team nod back with. Plo Koon then turns to Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Adi Gallia and the scene changes to Lola Sayu, where the strike team are attacked by Droids. OOM-10 and his squad go to attack the other Droids, but are swiftly killed, along with the Naval Officer, whilst the rest of the strike team make a run for it.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Even Piell, Ahsoka Tano, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Captain Tarkin, Fives and R2-D2 to fight through the caverns.

Midtro Cutscene 1: The team reach a safe area and set up a camp to rest. Meanwhile, back at the Citadel, Osi Sobeck is contacted by Count Dooku, who is very angry. Sobeck apologises and gets on a STAP, along with some other Droids and a pack of Anoobas. Later, at the camp, the group are woken up by a STAP zooming by, followed by Anoobas howling. Anakin and Obi-Wan, prepare a distraction, whilst the rest of the group run off. However, when the group are running, a crab droid separates Ahsoka and Even Piell from the rest of the group.

Gameplay Area 2: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: Play as Anakin and Obi-Wan to take out 20 Anoobas.

Scene 2: Crab Droid (Boss 3 hearts). Play as Ahsoka and Even Piell to fight the Crab Droid, by destroying two of his legs, before a finishing move on it's head.

Midtro Cutscene 2: The Crab Droid is destroyed and Ahsoka and Even Piell cheer, but suddenly an Anooba jumps on him and bites his face, Ahsoka forces the Anooba into the lava and kneels at Even Piell, as he dies. Ahsoka takes his body back to the rest of the group, where they mourn at his body. Meanwhile, in space, the Republic fleet exits hyperspace and a battle ensues.

Gameplay Area 3: Spaceship Battle. Play as Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin in their respective Jedi Starfighters to destroy two Separatist frigates.

Midtro Cutscene 3: As the frigate explodes, Plo Koon, in a Republic Gunship, heads for the planets surface. Back on the surface, the team has reached the island, but so has the Osi Sobeck and the rest of the Droids. Fives takes aim and shoots down Sobeck's STAP and he crashes onto the island.

Gameplay Area 4: Osi Sobeck (Boss 6 hearts). Play as Ahsoka and Captain Tarkin to fight Warden Osi Sobeck.

Ending Cutscene: Tarkin goes to shoot Sobeck, but he fights back and is about to throw Tarkin into the lava, but Ahsoka stabs him in the back, killing him. Tarkin turns a blind eye, though, annoying her. Suddenly, the gunship arrives and Plo Koon beckons to the others to get in, they all do and the gunship flies away. On the gunship, Tarkin and Anakin, share a handshake, foreshadowing things to come...

Characters Unlocked: Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin.

Vehicles Unlocked: Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter, Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter.

Characters available to purchase: Adi Gallia, Commander Wolffe (Phase 1), Osi Sobeck.

Vehicles available to purchase: Adi Gallia's Jedi Starfighter, Hyena Bomber.

MID-LEVEL CUTSCENE: On the planet Kiros, a Confederate ship lands and out steps Count Dooku, Darts D'Nar and a Tactical Droid. Governor Roshti goes to greet them as an army of Droids rounds up his people.


Opening Cutscene: A Republic Cruiser lands on Kiros and the landing ramp goes down. Zooming out on speeders comes, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, and the rest of the Clones.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Anakin and Obi-Wan, to drive the speeders and shoot 5 Commando Droids on speeders. After they're destroyed 10 more Droids come from behind and you then play as Ahsoka and Captain Rex to destroy them.

Midtro Cutscene 1: They arrive at the town square, and they look at the tower and see Darts D'nar waving a white flag. Obi-Wan goes into the tower and Ahsoka and Anakin are left. Cody however comes running up to them and points to a building at the end of the street and Anakin and Ahsoka go off on some AT-RTs. Back in the tower, Obi-Wan meets Darts D'Nar who goes right up to Obi-Wan and slaps him, knocking his lightsaber out his hand. Meanwhile Anakin and Ahsoka have found the bombs and begin to fight

Gameplay Area 2: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: Darts D'nar (Boss 8 hearts). Play as Obi-Wan to fight Darts in hand-to-hand combat.

Scene 2: Play as Anakin and Ahsoka to fight the defending Battle Droids and deactivate the 2 linked bombs.

Midtro Cutscene 2: Darts is overpowered by Obi-Wan but sniggers and pulls out a detonator. He tries it, but realises the bombs have been deactivated. In a fit of rage, he grabs the Tactical Droid and throws it at Obi-Wan, before making a run for it. Anakin and Ahsoka see Darts running to his ship and run after him. He takes off, but Anakin and Ahsoka get onto the back of it. The back then opens up, revealing a Blixus.

Gameplay Area 3: Blixus (Boss 3 hearts). Play as Anakin and Ahsoka to fight the Blixus by chopping off two tentacles, before performing a finishing move on it's head.

Ending Cutscene: The Blixus' carcass falls off of the ship to the surface below, whilst Anakin and Ahsoka go to the cockpit, catching Darts off guard. Darts surrenders and shows a hologram of the Kadavo System...

Characters available to purchase: Clone Trooper (Phase 2), Sniper Droideka, Darts D'Nar.

Escape from Kadavo[]

Opening Cutscene: A Zygerrian Starship lands at a facility on Kadavo, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Captain Rex come out, disguised as Zygerrians, they enter the facilty, but are found by Keeper Agruss and are captured themselves. Back in the ship, Anakin and Ahsoka are both sleeping. Sleepily they awake and suddenly see a clock, realising Obi-Wan is late, they run out, only to be fired at by turrets. Luckily for them, however a Republic Cruiser, led by Plo Koon, comes out of hyperspace and a sky battle begins.

Gameplay Area 1: Spaceship Battle. Play as Plo Koon in his Jedi Starfighter and Warthog in a Z-95 Headhunter to fight the Zygerrian Starships, whilst avoiding the turrets.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Back inside the facilty, Keeper Agruss activates a death trap, where the Togrutans will fall down a endless hole and laughs in front of Obi-Wan and Rex. At the same time a Republic Gunship is shot out the sky by one of the turrets. Anakin goes off to switch off the turrets, whilst Ahsoka meets with Commander Wolffe to free the Togrutans.

Gameplay Area 2: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: Play as Anakin Skywalker to take control of a turret and destroy the others.

Scene 2: Play as Ahsoka Tano and Commander Wolffe to help free the Togrutans.

Midtro Cutscene 2: The Togrutans are all saved and Ahsoka messages Obi-Wan. Who, in the confusion breaks free and frees Rex, much to Agruss' annoyance.

Gameplay Area 3: Keeper Agruss (Boss 2 hearts). Play as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Captain Rex to fight Keeper Agruss.

Ending Cutscene: Rex throws an electro-staff at Keeper Agruss' chair, sending him flying and screaming into the wall. They then manage to escape back to the ship, along with Anakin and they escape the facility with the Togrutans.

Characters Unlocked: Plo Koon, Warthog, Commander Wolffe (Phase 2), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Zygerrian Disguise), Captain Rex (Zygerrian Disguise).

Vehicles Unlocked: Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter, Z-95 Headhunter.

Characters available to purchase: Governor Roshti, Zygerrian Warrior, Keeper Agruss.

Vehicles available to purchase: Zygerrian Starship.

A Friend in Need[]

Opening Cutscene: On the planet Mandalore, a peace conference is being held, by the Republic and the Confederacy, involving Padme Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, Bec Lawise, and Duchess Satine Kryze. Suddenly the door bursts open and Lux Bonteri comes in. He pulls out a picture of Count Dooku looking friendly and shakes his head. He then pulls out another of Dooku looking evil. Bec Lawise points to a door and two Commando Droids take him away, but Ahsoka secretly follows. Lux is taken to a hologram of Count Dooku who puts his hand across his throat, signaling for his execution. Ahsoka however breaks in and kills the Commando Droids, giving them time to escape.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri to escape Mandalore.

Midtro Cutscene 1: They get to a ship, where Captain Taggart and other Senate Guards cover them from attacking the Droids. On the ship, Lux suddenly turns on Ahsoka and sends her to sleep. She wakes up a lot later on the planet Carlac, her and R2-D2 go outside and see Lux, when suddenly out of the sky come Death Watch Warriors, led by Bo-Katan. The three ride on a landspeeder to the Death Watch camp, where a hardened Pre Vizsla, greets them. Lux seems happy to see them, but Ahsoka is unimpressed and is forced to do cooking with a girl called Tryla. During a feast, Chieftain Pieter and his men come in and points to Tryla, Vizsla nods, but stabs Tryla and then his men proceed to kill Pieter's. Ahsoka and Lux horrified, decide to help.

Gameplay Area 2: Play as Ahsoka and Lux to fight members of Death Watch and save the villagers.

Midtro Cutscene 2: Pre Vizsla orders his men to stand back as he wants to take Ahsoka himself.

Gameplay Area 3: Pre Vizsla (Boss 10 hearts). Play as Ahsoka and Lux to fight Pre Vizsla.

Midtro Cutscene 3: Ahsoka hits Vizsla's jetpack which explodes creating havoc in the camp. R2 appears on the landspeeder and Ahsoka and Lux get on, whilst Death Watch and Bo-Katan are in hot pursuit.

Gameplay Area 4: Bo-Katan (Boss 8 hearts). Play as Ahsoka to fight Bo-Katan and Lux to drive the Landspeeder.

Ending Cutscene: Ahsoka trips and Bo-Katan is about to kill her, when R2 flies in front of her and pushes her off the edge of the landspeeder. Ahsoka and Lux, then look at each other and their eyes turn to love hearts.

Characters Unlocked: Lux Bonteri, Ahsoka Tano (Carlac), Lux Bonteri (Carlac).

Characters available to purchase: Bec Lawise, Commando Droid (Mandalore), Captain Taggart, Senate Guard, Chieftain Pieter, Tryla, Pre Vizsla (V2), Bo-Katan.

END SECTION CUTSCENE: Count Dooku looks at a pile of smouldering Commando Droids and gets really angry...

Asajj Ventress[]


Opening Cutscene: On Serenno, Count Dooku is talking to Darth Sidious via hologram, he points to a picture of Asajj Ventress and slides his hand across his throat, to which, Dooku nods. Meanwhile, the battle of Sullust rages on and Ventress is riding her starfighter and destroys a Clone Cruiser. Suddenly she spots Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi flying towards her and she flys off.

Gameplay Area 1: Spaceship Battle. Asajj Ventress' Starfighter (Boss 6 hearts). Play as Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in their respective Starfighters to fight Asajj Ventress in hers.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Ventress shoots Obi-Wan's ship and he crashes into the hangar, but Anakin shoots hers and she crashes too, before following them in himself. Ventress then gets a message from Dooku, who waves her a cheery goodbye. Ventress in rage jumps out of her ship, where Anakin and Obi-Wan are waiting.

Gameplay Area 2: Asajj Ventress (Boss 12 hearts). Play as Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to fight Asajj Ventress.

Midtro Cutscene 2: In another Separatist ship, a Tactical Droid who he tells to destroy the ship Ventress is in. The Tactical Droid agrees and fires at the other ship. Meanwhile Ventress, Anakin and Obi-Wan run for their ships and escape just as the dreadnought explodes. Ventress travels to Dathomir, where she is found by Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters There she is introduced to Karis and Naa'leth and Talzin gives the three of them lightsabers, turns them misty and sends them to Serenno. The three stand over Dooku's bed and ignite their lightsabers, but Dooku jumps up too, ready to fight.

Gameplay Area 3: Count Dooku (Boss 20 hearts). Play as Asajj Ventress, Karis and Naa'leth to fight Count Dooku.

Ending Cutscene: The Count fires lightning at all three of them and throws them out the window, disrupting their invincibility with it. Back in the palace, Dooku picks up a letter saying 'If you want an evil apprentice. Call Mother Talzin'. Dooku calls her and she shows him a hologram of a Zabrak, that he smiles happily at.

Characters Unlocked: Asajj Ventress (Nightsister), Karis, Naa'leth.

Vehicles Unlocked: Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter.

Characters available to purchase: Asajj Ventress (V2), Darth Sidious, Mother Talzin, Nightsister, Count Dooku (Pyjamas).

Vehicles available to purchase: Ventress' Starfighter.


Opening Cutscene: Asajj Ventress travels to the Nightbrother village on Dathomir, where she meets Brother Viscus, who introduces her to the Nightbrothers including Savage Opress and Feral. She takes them to an arena and orders them to fight her.

Gameplay Area 1: Asajj Ventress (Boss 12 hearts). Play as Savage Opress and Feral to fight Ventress and other Nightbrothers in a big free-for-all.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Ventress jumps and kicks Feral in the face and is about to kill him, when Savage dives and knocks her over. Ventress stops the fight and takes Savage with her, back to the Nightsisters, where they perform magic on him, turning him into a giant monster. The sisters bring Feral over and he kills him, without mercy. Ventress and Talzin nod and Talzin takes him to Serenno, where he meets Count Dooku, his new master. Dooku shows him a hologram of a Jedi temple on Devaron and the scene switches to there, where Jedi Master Halsey and his Padawan Knox, along with Commander Trauma are battling Battle Droids.

Gameplay Area 2: Big Battle. Play as Halsey, Knox and Commander Trauma to destroy all the Droid bases.

Midtro Cutscene 2: The Jedi cheer as a ship lands on the planet, the Clones and Commander Trauma go to investigate and knock on the door, it opens and Savage Opress jumps out, kills the Clones and runs at the Jedi.

Gameplay Area 3: Savage Opress (Boss 15 hearts). Play as Halsey and Knox to fight Savage Opress.

Ending Cutscene: Halsey gets tripped over by Savage and is then killed. Knox horrified runs at Savage and gets his head kicked off. Savage contacts Dooku and he smiles evilly.

Characters Unlocked: Savage Opress (Nightbrother), Feral, Halsey, Knox, Commander Trauma.

Characters available to purchase: Nightbrother.

Witches of the Mist[]

Opening Cutscene: Delta Squad land in the Jedi Temple and take the bodies of Halsey and Knox out. Boss shows a hologram of Savage fighting Halsey to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia and Saesee Tiin. Obi-Wan and Anakin look at each other and nod. They travel to the Nightbrother village on Dathomir, but Viscus and his men attack.

Gameplay Area 1: Brother Viscus (Boss 8 hearts). Play as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to fight Viscus and his army of Nightbrothers.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Anakin has Viscus surrender, so he points to the Nightsister village, so the Jedi go there instead. When they arrive, Mother Talzin shows them a picture of Savage fighting Toydarians. The Jedi then leave for Toydaria. They go to Toydaria and find Savage slaughtering Toydarians, they ignite their lightsabers and the battle begins.

Gameplay Area 2: Savage Opress (Boss 15 hearts). Play as Anakin and Obi-Wan to fight Savage. After 5 hearts have gone Savage runs inside the palace.

Midtro Cutscene 2: Savage force chokes King Katuunko and grabs his dead body, he then escapes onboard a ship. Anakin and Obi-Wan follow swiftly behind in their ship, they see a Separatist Dreadnought and land. Meanwhile Savage enters Count Dooku's quarters with the King's body. Angrily, Dooku barrages Savage with force lightning, when the door opens behind revealing Asajj Ventress. She and Savage do a secret handshake and begin fighting Dooku together. Ventress starts being mean to Savage, whenever he does something wrong. Eventually he force chokes both Ventress and Dooku. Whilst Anakin and Obi-Wan land on the ship.

Gameplay Area 3: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: Savage Opress (Boss 15 hearts) and Count Dooku (Boss 20 hearts). Play as Asajj Ventress to battle both Savage and Dooku.

Scene 2: Play as Anakin and Obi-Wan to fight through corridors of Droids to reach Dooku's quarters.

Midtro Cutscene 3: Count Dooku escapes through a hatch in the ground and Ventress follows, Savage doesn't make it in time, though. Obi-Wan and Anakin then enter the room and Savage goes and attacks them.

Gameplay Area 4: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: Savage Opress (Boss 15 hearts). Play as Anakin and Obi-Wan to fight Savage and Battle Droids.

Scene 2: Count Dooku (Boss 20 hearts). Play as Ventress to fight Dooku.

Ending Cutscene: Ventress is beaten by the Count and he is about to kill her, but she makes a jump for it and gets into an escape pod, where she escapes the ship, defeated. Back in the ship, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Savage reach the hangar, where they are surrounded by Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids and Droidekas, that all fire on Savage. Anakin and Obi-Wan escape, whilst Savage destroys all the Droids, he grabs a Solar Sailor and leaves for Dathomir. On which, he is greeted by Talzin, who gives him a necklace and shows him an image of his brother, Darth Maul...

Characters available to purchase: Boss, Fixer, Scorch, Sev, Brother Viscus, King Katuunko.


Opening Cutscene: Asajj Ventress heads back to Dathomir, where Mother Talzin and the rest of the Nightsisters greet her and they start having a party together. Meanwhile on Serenno, Count Dooku tells General Grievous to attack Dathomir, he nods and sets off. Back at the party, Ventress suddenly hears a noise and a Hyena Bomber blows up a statue, that falls on Karis, killing her. Ventress, enraged, ignites her lightsabers, as an army of Battle Droids approach.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Asajj Ventress and Luce to fight the Droids through the forest to their lander.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Grievous fires the Defoliator tank at the Nightsisters, halting their advance. Talzin retreats back into the caves to meet Old Daka. Daka then waves a magic wand and an army of Undead Nightsisters run into the battle to defeat the Droids.

Gameplay Area 2: Big Battle. Play as Asajj Ventress and Luce to destroy the Defoliator tank, with commandeered AATs.

Midtro Cutscene 2: The Nightsisters destroy the tank and ride a commandeered AAT right to the Separatist Lander, where Grievous comes out and challenges Ventress to a duel.

Gameplay Area 3: General Grievous (Boss 10 hearts). Play as Ventress and Luce to fight Grievous.

Ending Cutscene: Grievous is beaten, but he calls for his Droids to help. They open fire on Ventress and her army. Luce tries to take Ventress to safety, but is shot and killed. Grievous then runs to the caves, where he finds Daka and Talzin. He impales Daka, but Talzin disappears. Back in the jungle, Ventress stumbles around the bodies and Droid parts, alone and the only survivor...

Characters Unlocked: Luce.

Characters available to purchase: Old Daka, Undead Nightsister, General Grievous, Count Dooku.


Opening Cutscene: At the Mos Eisley Cantina, Asajj Ventress is approached by Oked, she is annoyed by him, so she stabs him. Bossk and Latts Razzi beckon her over and show her a picture of their group, they cross off Oked and draw Ventress instead. They then introduce her to Dengar, C-21 Highsinger and their boss, a young Boba Fett, who Ventress takes a dislike to. Boba Fett then takes them to the planet Quarzite, where they meet Major Rigosso, who shows them a package, that they must deliver to Otua Blank. The group get on the train, but don't realize their being followed by Kage Warriors. Dengar and Ventress are at the back of the train, when suddenly the Warriors attack.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Asajj Ventress and Dengar to fight 20 Kage Warriors.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Dengar is eventually beaten and thrown overboard, whilst the Kage Warriors proceed to the front of the train.

Gameplay Area 2: Play as C-21 Highsinger, Latts Razzi to fight 25 Kage Warriors.

Midtro Cutscene 2: Meanwhile, at the back of the train, Ventress needs help, but Bossk and Boba Fett are having problems.

Gameplay Area 3: Play as Boba Fett and Bossk to fight 20 Kage Warriors.

Midtro Cutscene 3: Boba and Bossk are separated and Bossk gets thrown overboard next. In the middle of the train, Highsinger and Latts are attacked by Krismo Sodi, the leader.

Gameplay Area 4: Krismo Sodi (Boss 8 hearts). Play as Latts Razzi and C-21 Highsinger to fight Krismo.

Midtro Cutscene 4: Latts gets her Grappling Boa tangled round Highsinger and they fall off the train together. Krismo proceeds into the train and kills Major Rigosso. He then fights Boba and in their fight the chest spills it's belonging, Pluma Sodi. Boba is confused and gets knocked out by Krismo. Krismo and Sodi embrace, but they are interrupted by Ventress, who fights Krismo with the awoken Boba.

Gameplay Area 5: Krismo Sodi (Boss 8 hearts). Play as Asajj Ventress and Boba Fett to fight Krismo.

Ending Cutscene: Krismo is beaten and Pluma goes to him. Pluma pulls out a picture of her family and suddenly Ventress has a flashback of the Nightsisters on Dathomir. She then looks at Boba Fett and has an idea. Later at Otua Blank's fortress, the King is brought his chest, by Ventress and she receives her payment. She then leaves on the train, whilst Otua Blank opens the chest, only to be horrified when he finds a tied up and gagged Boba Fett... Ventress then lets Pluma and Krismo go and then she meets up with the rest of the Bounty Hunters, who share the money.

Characters Unlocked: Asajj Ventress (Bounty Hunter), Dengar, C-21 Highsinger, Latts Razzi, Boba Fett, Bossk.

Characters available to purchase: Major Rigosso, Belugan Warrior, Kage Warrior, Krismo Sodi, Pluma Sodi, Otua Blank.


Opening Cutscene: A weary Savage Opress is wandering around some bins, that are causing his necklace to glow, he sneaks onto the ship, they're coming from, just as it takes off. The ship goes to the planet of Lotho Minor, a world covered in rubbish. The pilot suddenly turns and sees Savage. He screams, as he's picked up and thrown out the airlock. Savage takes the pilot's seat and lands the ship. As he gets out, an Anacondan called Morley, sidles up to him and gestures Savage to follow him.

Gameplay Area 1: Play as Savage Opress and Morley to travel through the junk.

Midtro Cutscene 1: Suddenly a giant Droid called a Fire-Breather blocks their path and Savage ignites his saber.

Gameplay Area 2: Fire-Breather (Boss 3 hearts). Play as Savage and Morley to destroy the Fire-Breather. After it's destroyed, they move on for a bit more.

Midtro Cutscene 2: They enter a camp full of Junkers, who appear to be hostile and attack Savage.

Gameplay Area 3: Play as Savage and Morley to fight the Junkers and make your way to a shelter.

Midtro Cutscene 3: Savage searches the shelter, but there is no sign of Maul, Savage suddenly realises he is standing on a trapdoor, which Morley activates, Savage grabs him by the tail and he falls down to, where a spider-like creature is waiting.

Gameplay Area 4: Running Segment. Play as Savage and Morley to escape the spider.

Ending Cutscene: Savage turns to fight the spider, but as it gets close, the talisman lights up and the spider is revealed to be Darth Maul. Savage in horror grabs Morley and kills him, before turning back to his brother...

Characters Unlocked: Savage Opress, Morley.

Characters available to purchase: Junker.

END SECTION CUTSCENE: On Serenno, Count Dooku senses something, on Coruscant, so does Yoda. Anakin, and Ahsoka do too. But most of all, Asajj Ventress and Obi-Wan Kenobi...



Opening Cutscene: Savage Oppress lands his ship on Dathomir and walks out with the manic Darth Maul on a leash. He brings him to Mother Talzin and she restores Maul's former sanity and gives him cybernetic legs. Maul pulls out a picture of Obi-Wan Kenobi as he wants revenge for his presumed death. Maul and Savage travel to Raydonia where they slaughter all it's inhabitants in a hologram to the Jedi. Obi-Wan later lands on Raydonia and there he finds Maul waiting for him, he's about to attack Maul, but he is tapped on the back by Savage who then punches him in the face, knocking him out. He is taken onboard their ship and is being beaten, but suddenly they are interrupted by the arrival of Asajj Ventress, who gives Obi-Wan one of her lightsabers, the four then ignite them and a battle ensues.

Gameplay Area 1: Scene Swap Segment.

Scene 1: Darth Maul (Boss 10 hearts). Play as Obi-Wan Kenobi to fight Darth Maul.

Scene 2: Savage Opress (Boss 10 hearts). Play as Asajj Ventress to fight Savage Opress.

Midtro Cutscene: Obi-Wan sidesteps Maul and grabs his own lightsaber before giving Asajj's back.

Gameplay Area 2: Darth Maul (Boss 25 hearts) and Savage Oppress (Boss 15 hearts). Play as Obi-Wan and Ventress to fight both Darth Maul and Savage Oppress.

Ending Cutscene: Obi-Wan and Ventress run into the cockpit and seal it, whilst Maul and Savage try to break in, by cutting a hole in the door. Obi-Wan panicking hits the controls and they manage to escape leaving Maul and Savage behind. Maul however smiles as they fly away, his return is only just beginning...

Characters Unlocked: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Weary).

Characters available to purchase: Darth Maul.



Character Weapons Abilities Image
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (V1)
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
Obi-Wan Kenobi (V1)
  • Satine Kryze
  • Droid Deactivator
  • Shoot Deactivator
    • Disable Droids
Satine Kryze
  • Pre Vizsla (Governor)
  • None
  • None
  • Anakin Skywalker (V1)
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
Anakin Skywalker (V1)
  • Broadside
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Echo (Trooper)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
Echo (Trooper)
  • Fives (Trooper)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
Fives (Trooper)
  • Clone Trooper (Phase 1)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
Clone Trooper (Phase 1)
  • Captain Rex (Phase 1)
  • Dual Blasters
  • Shoot Blasters
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Command Clones
Captain Rex (Phase 1)
  • Commander Cody (Phase 1)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Command Clones
Commander Cody (Phase 1)
  • Anakin Skywalker (V2)
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Padme Amidala
  • Blaster Pistol
  • Shoot Blaster Pistol
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Jar Jar Binks (Boss Lyonie)
  • Double Jump
  • General Tarpals
  • Booma
  • Spear
  • Gungan Shield
  • Double Jump
  • Thow Booma
    • Disable Droids
  • Block Blaster Shots
  • Captain Rex (Phase 2)
  • Dual Blasters
  • Shoot Blasters
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Command Clones
  • Fives (ARC Trooper)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Kix
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Jesse
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Fire Rockets
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Hardcase
  • Chaingun
  • Fire Chaingun
    • Destroy Gold LEGO Objects
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Tup
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Ahsoka Tano
  • Dual Lightsabers (Green)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Echo (ARC Trooper)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Captain Tarkin
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Even Piell
  • Ligtsaber (Green)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Naval Officer
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • OOM-10
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Command Droids
  • R2-D2
  • None
  • Activate Astromech Panels
  • Battle Droid (R2's Squadron)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Kit Fisto
  • Lightsaber (Green)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Saesee Tiin
  • Lightsaber (Green)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Plo Koon
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Warthog
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Commander Wolffe (Phase 2)
  • Dual Blasters
  • Shoot Blasters
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Jetpack
    • Hover
  • Command Clones
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (Zygerrian Warrior)
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Captain Rex (Zygerrian Warrior)
  • Electrostaff
  • Power Electrical Ports
  • Lux Bonteri
  • Handheld Stunner
  • Power Electrical Ports
  • Ahsoka Tano (Carlac)
  • Dual Lightsabers (Green)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Lux Bonteri (Carlac)
  • Handheld Stunner
  • Power Electrical Ports
  • Asajj Ventress (Nightsister)
  • Dual Lightsabers (Red)
  • Lightsaber (Blue) (Story Only)
  • Dark Side of the Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Choke
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Karis
  • Energy Bow
  • Lightsaber (Green) (Story Only)
  • Fire Bow
  • Naa'leth
  • Nightsister Dagger
  • Lightsaber (Green) (Story Only)
  • None
  • Savage Oppress (Nightbrother)
  • Nightbrother Pike
  • Double Jump
  • Feral
  • Dual Nightbrother Axes
  • Double Jump
  • Halsey
  • Lightsaber (Green)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Knox
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Commander Trauma
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Command Clones
  • Luce
  • Energy Bow
  • Fire Bow
  • Double Jump
  • Asajj Ventress (Bounty Hunter)
  • Dual Lightsabers (Red)
  • Dark Side of the Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Choke
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Dengar
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Shoot Rifle
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • C-21 Highsinger
  • Dual Blasters
  • Shoot Blasters
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Activate Protocol Panels
  • Latts Razzi
  • Grappling Boa
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple
  • Boba Fett
  • Dual Blasters
  • Shoot Blasters
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Bossk
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Savage Oppress
  • Double Bladed Lightsaber (Red)
  • Dark Side of the Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Choke
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Morley
  • None
  • Crawl Through Small Hatches
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (Weary)
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Lightsaber (Red) (Story Only)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge

Free Play[]

Character Weapons Abilities Image
  • Almec
  • None
  • None
  • Death Watch Warrior
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Jetpack
    • Hover
  • Grapple Gun
  • Pre Vizsla (V1)
  • Darksaber
  • Jetpack
    • Hover
  • Shaak Ti
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Lama Su
  • None
  • None
  • 99
  • Broomstick
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Aqua Droid
  • Wrist Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Battle Droid
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Super Battle Droid
  • Wrist Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Commander Colt
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Command Clones
  • Asajj Ventress (V1)
  • Dual Lightsabers (Red)
  • Dark Side of the Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Choke
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Jar Jar Binks
  • None
  • Double Jump
  • Boss Lyonie
  • None
  • Double Jump
  • Rish Loo
  • Dagger
  • Double Jump
  • Commando Droid
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Gungan Warrior
  • Booma
  • Spear
  • Gungan Shield
  • Double Jump
  • Throw Booma
    • Disable Droids
  • Block Blaster Shots
  • Magnaguard
  • Electrostaff
  • Power Electrical Ports
  • Queen Neeyutnee
  • Blaster Pistol
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Umbaran Soldier
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • ARF Trooper (Phase 2)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Sergeant Appo
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Command Clones
  • Tactical Droid
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Command Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Activate Tactical Panels
  • Pong Krell
  • Dual Double Bladed Lightsabers (1 Green and 1 Blue)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Dogma
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Waxer
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Yoda
  • Lightsaber (Green)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Mace Windu
  • Lightsaber (Purple)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • C-3PO
  • None
  • Activate Protocol Panels
  • 501st Clone Trooper (Phase 1)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Droideka
  • Twin Repeating Blasters
  • Shoot Blasters
  • Emit Shield
  • Security Battle Droid
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Commando Droid (Citadel)
  • Blaster
  • Droid Shield
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Block Blaster Shots
  • Grapple Gun
  • Adi Gallia
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Commander Wolffe (Phase 1)
  • Dual Blasters
  • Shoot Blasters
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Command Clones
  • Osi Sobeck
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Clone Trooper (Phase 2)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Shock Grenades
    • Disable Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Sniper Droideka
  • Sniper
  • Shoot Sniper
  • Darts D'Nar
  • Lightwhip
  • None
  • Governor Roshti
  • None
  • None
  • Zygerrian Warrior
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Keeper Agruss
  • Hover Chair
  • None
  • Bec Lawise
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Command Droids
  • Grapple Gun
  • Commando Droid (Mandalore)
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Captain Taggart
  • Sniper
  • Fire Sniper
  • Grapple Gun
  • Senate Guard
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Chieftain Pieter
  • None
  • None
  • Tryla
  • Frying Pan
  • None
  • Pre Vizsla (V2)
  • Darksaber
  • Jetpack
    • Hover
  • Bo-Katan
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Jetpack
    • Hover
  • Asajj Ventress (V2)
  • Dual Lightsabers (Red)
  • Dark Side of the Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Choke
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Darth Sidious
  • Lightsaber (Red)
  • Dark Side of the Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Lightning
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Mother Talzin
  • Magick Sword
  • Magicks
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Lightning
    • Float
  • Nightsister
  • Nightsister Dagger
  • None
  • Count Dooku (Pyjamas)
  • Curved Lightsaber (Red)
  • Dark Side of the Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Lightning
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Nightbrother
  • Nightbrother Pike
  • Double Jump
  • Boss
  • Dual Blasters
  • Shoot Blasters
  • Throw Thermal Detonators
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Command Clones
  • Fixer
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Activate Protocol Panels
  • Activate Astromech Panels
  • Activate Tactical Panels
  • Power Electrical Ports
  • Scorch
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Fire Rockets
    • Destroy Silver LEGO Objects
  • Grapple Gun
  • Sev
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Shoot Rifle
  • Grapple Gun
  • Brother Viscus
  • Electrostaff
  • Power Electrical Ports
  • King Katuunko
  • Toydarian Sword
  • Fly
  • Crawl Through Small Hatches
  • Old Daka
  • None
  • Magicks
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Lightning
    • Float
  • Undead Nightsister
  • None
  • Double Jump
  • General Grievous
  • Four Lightsabers (Two Blue and Two Green)
  • Double Jump
  • Count Dooku
  • Curved Lightsaber (Red)
  • Dark Side of the Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Lightning
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge
  • Major Rigosso
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Belugan Warrior
  • Blaster
  • Shoot Blaster
  • Grapple Gun
  • Kage Warrior
  • Electro Sword
  • Double Jump
  • Krismo Sodi
  • Dual Electro Swords
  • Double Jump
  • Pluma Sodi
  • None
  • Double Jump
  • Otua Blank
  • None
  • None
  • Junker
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Shoot Rifle
  • Grapple Gun
  • Darth Maul
  • Lightsaber (Red)
  • Dark Side of the Force
    • Force Build
    • Move Objects
    • Force Push
    • Force Choke
  • Double Jump
  • Jedi Slam
  • Jedi Lunge